Red deer stag hunting game in Belarus

Red deer stag hunting game in Belarus

Red deer stag hunting in Belarus
Red deer stag hunting in Belarus
In Belarus the red deer lure period lasts from the end of august till the beginning of October.

In the lure the strongest red deer stags drive weaker males off and create harems of 2-3 sometimes up to 15 females. The bigger the harem becomes the weaker the voice of the stag is heard.

 Stags and hilus determine strength of a rival by its roar tone, in its heyday a red deer stag has hoarse and low voice. Red deer stags zealously guard their females and having heard the roar of a rival rush to the attack. Antlers strikes and enraged red deer stags croaks are heard from far away. Sometimes a weak red deer stag dies because of injures got.

 In Belarus in the beginning of the lure period solitary red deer stags occupy determinate areas sometimes the same during some years. Excited they strike and bark small trees with their antlers, break sticks.

Hunting red deer stag in lure it’s necessary to call from time to time. Usually a stag in lure runs directly to the call sound so it’s better to be on the alert, otherwise red deer stag will notice the trickery and will run away. For red deer stag hunting facilitation the best way is to hunt in two: one calls, another shoots. If a red deer stag only answer a call but does not approach to, it’s necessary to go directly to it, crack twigs and branches, but not to hit trees with a stick. Reed deer stag, thinking that a rival comes to it, runs itself to the hunter. Now the most important red deer stag doesn’t see or sense the hunter. A red deer stag rushed to the call usually is approaching fearlessly but in a distance of 100 m stops. If the hunter chose the right place the shot will be successful. A young red deer stag comes to the call slowly, guardedly, without giving a voice.
        In Belarus the best red deer stag lure hunting game is in the morning and evening. At night red deer stag roars more and goes to the call fearlessly. Some people hunt in bright moon nights, others at night detect red deer stag presence and approach to it and shoot at daybreak.

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